Friday, September 10, 2010

Birthday Baking

I usually do not bake, but decided to make an exception for my birthday.  I wanted to try out a couple new mixes.

Brownies: Betty Crocker (Purchased at Target for a great price)
Betty Crocker did not disappoint when it came to creating gluten-free goodies.  I'm really impressed by the quality and price.

The directions were really easy, from start to finish under 30 minutes.  I did add a little water as the mixture was a tad dry.  The only other thing I would do differently is make it in a pan smaller than 11X7 as they came out pretty thin.  Overall, I'm pleased with the taste and texture.  I would definitely make them again.

Chocolate Chip Cookies: Pamela's
As they warn you on the directions, the dough is pretty dry which made it tough to create nice looking cookies.  I accidentally burned them a little, but they taste ok.  Not the best cookie out there, but I would be willing to try other mixes made by Pamela's.

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