Thursday, September 30, 2010

Best Pasta Brand

Behind pizza, pasta is the second thing people tell me they would not want to give up with a gluten-free diet.  Fortunately, there are a lot of gluten-free pasta brands out there.  My personal favorite is Tinkyada.  Tinkyada is great brand made in Canada.  It can be found in many gourmet grocery stores.  Made from brown rice, it tastes and resembles traditional, wheat pasta.  I used in a cold pasta salad dish and no one even noticed it was gluten-free.  If wheat eaters can't tell it's gluten-free, I'm sure you won't be able to either.

Monday, September 20, 2010


I would highly recommend SUSHI SAMBA in NYC.  I thoroughly enjoyed my 3-course meal.  My only disappointment is they did not have gluten-free soy sauce.

Warm mushroom salad:

Scallops and veggies:
Mango sorbet:

Accidents Happen

This weekend I visited friends in NYC.  It was a great time filled with shopping and eating.  Everything we ate was amazing and all the restaurants were very accommodating to my dietary needs.  

I felt great, until I accidentally ate gluten on Sunday.  These things happen from time to time and this accident was completely my fault.  I felt rushed in a busy deli and picked an option I thought would be ok.  Turns out it wasn't ok.  When the stomach pains hit, I was lucky enough to be at my friend's apartment.  It was a good reminder to slow down and take the time to ask about the ingredients.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Best Soup Brand

As the cooler weather approaches I start to get a craving for soup.  The best brand to make at home is Pacific.  They have a variety of tasty flavors.  I believe all the different kinds are gluten free and many are vegan friendly.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Quinoa Cookie

If you have never heard of quinoa, you're not alone.  Until recently, I was not aware of this super, gluten-free grain despite the fact it dates back to the Inca Civilization.  It was one of the staples of the Inca diet.  I'm planning to introduce into my diet as well.  Be on the look out for future posts on my quinoa experiments.

If you're not ready to make a meal with quinoa, I have a great quinoa snack option, Tree of Life's Quinoa Macaroon Cookies.  They are great and not bad for you.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Birthday Baking

I usually do not bake, but decided to make an exception for my birthday.  I wanted to try out a couple new mixes.

Brownies: Betty Crocker (Purchased at Target for a great price)
Betty Crocker did not disappoint when it came to creating gluten-free goodies.  I'm really impressed by the quality and price.

The directions were really easy, from start to finish under 30 minutes.  I did add a little water as the mixture was a tad dry.  The only other thing I would do differently is make it in a pan smaller than 11X7 as they came out pretty thin.  Overall, I'm pleased with the taste and texture.  I would definitely make them again.

Chocolate Chip Cookies: Pamela's
As they warn you on the directions, the dough is pretty dry which made it tough to create nice looking cookies.  I accidentally burned them a little, but they taste ok.  Not the best cookie out there, but I would be willing to try other mixes made by Pamela's.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pleasant Surprise

I have fabulous friends, who all happened to have weddings this year.  I will attend a total of nine weddings, including my own.  I love the opportunity to celebrate with those close to me, but it also causes me some worries.  Will there be anything I can eat?  Will I get sick?  Will it ruin my day? 

My pleasant surprise this year came from an unusual source... caterers.  Having made it through seven weddings so far and not getting sick is a huge accomplishment.  I owe it all to caring friends and knowledgeable caterers.  All I can say is don't be afraid to write gluten-free please on your RSVP card (if it is plated).  If it is buffet speak up and ask the staff.  It will put your mind at ease and let you make the most of a special day.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I don't usually watch Dr. Oz, but I caught a bit of the show today.  Elisabeth Hasselbeck was on and she said "IBS is BS."  I firmly agree!  Like Elisabeth, I was diagnosed multiple times with IBS.  I don't believe in IBS and worked hard to determine celiac was the actual problem.  Don't settle for an IBS diagnosis, take the time to figure out a way to feel better.

I also thought Dr. Oz did a good job describing celiac, see below for links to some of the videos.